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The present situation of clothing industry.


The clothing industry is a branch of light industry, and its theme is the process of making clothing.

The main task of the clothing industry is to meet the needs of people in high-quality and diversified clothing. The solution to this problem is based on the improvement of production efficiency, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the improvement of labor productivity, the overall improvement of work quality and the improvement of labor and production.

Improving the external design of clothing according to fashion trends, improving product design and manufacturing technology, the use of modern technology, and the use of new modern materials provide unlimited opportunities to expand the scope of clothing and significantly improve its quality.

The scope of clothing should be updated with the expansion of the raw material base and quality of the clothing industry.

Modern sewing production technology is becoming increasingly mechanized, and its effectiveness mainly depends on the equipment used.

Solving the challenges facing the clothing industry requires technicians to provide a great deal of in-depth knowledge. Without this knowledge, it would be impossible to introduce new garment production processes needed for the manufacture of high-quality clothing.

The modern clothing industry is characterized by a high level of technology, technology and production organization, and the existence of large professional enterprises and production associations.

The improvement of the industrial clothing design process is aimed at computerizing it. For this reason, sewing enterprises have a computer aided design (CAD) system.

Most modern CAD clothing is unified and can solve the problem of designing all kinds of products.

The main goal of CAD is to improve quality, reduce material cost and shorten design time.

The improvement of clothing production provides high-performance equipment, the introduction of production lines, the expansion of clothing scope and the improvement of quality, the production of high-demand products, in its performance in line with the best modern standards.

In the mass production of clothing, the decisive role belongs to the technological process, which is a set of economically feasible technical operations for processing and assembling clothing parts and assembly.

The modern clothing industry of mass production should be characterized by the high level of technology, technology and organization of production, and the existence of large professional enterprises and production associations.

The improvement of clothing production involves the introduction of high-performance equipment, production lines, expansion of clothing scope and improvement of clothing quality, and production of high-demand products.

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